The Land Rover Series 2 Forum

Main Forum => General Discussion => All about the Club & this Forum => Topic started by: Wittsend on Dec 08, 2023, 12:38 PM

Title: Forum Terms of Use
Post by: Wittsend on Dec 08, 2023, 12:38 PM
This Forum's Terms of Use (TOU)

Please spend a few moments reading through this page as it will answer most of your basic questions.

Some general advice: Don't be afraid join in. A lot of people just 'lurk' a while before posting anything, sometimes for years - that's fine - get the feel of things. Ask your questions - make your comments, and if you are not sure what the replies mean, ask for clarification.

If you are posing a question of a mechanical nature, please state the type, year & engine of your Landy. There is no such thing as a silly question, silly answers - maybe. If, when asking a technical question, please tell us (later) if any of the solutions offered fixed your problem. This will be of great use to our team in helping others in the future.

Before replying to a post - read it, then read it again - read the posts (if any) above it, count to 10 and hit the reply button. A lot of miss-understandings and problems result in people not reading the posts properly, or reading something into them that is not there!

As a general principle you won't go far wrong if you stick to Land Rover topics and don't mention sex, religion & politics, especially in the same sentence! Don't ramble on and on. A picture can save a 1000 words! But remember not to over-do the pictures both in number and size. Not everyone here has fast internet access and they are paying good money to read the forum.

Please remember that for a lot of forum members English is not their first language! Also, people make silly typing/spelling/grammatical errors. Please be tolerant and don't try to 'educate' the world and correct people. As long as we can understand the point being made, else ask them for clarification. None of us is perfect and if we had to post on forums using a second and/or a strange language, we would do far worse!

Posting advice and guidelines.

Every online community needs some sort of rules or framework within which it will operate. Experience has shown that we need these rules and terms of use to maintain and preserve the nature of our forum. For the vast majority of users these terms and conditions will not be a problem and will not be breached. For the very few who accidentally transgress, or for troublemakers we have explained here how we will run this forum.

By registering to use this forum you have already agreed to abide by our terms & conditions - and these Terms of Use (TOU). If you skipped over them, you can review them from the link. The notes here are an expansion of these, and go some way in explaining and defining what is and not, acceptable behaviour on this forum.

ON TOPIC DISCUSSIONS: Please constrain all discussions to the relevant areas. The 'Mechanical Matters' and 'Restoration' sections should only be used for serious technical discussions not for chatting. There is the 'Main Forum' for more general Landy Rover related topics. We have a 'Forum Problems' section where you can ask advice on how to make the forum work and a test area for you to try things out. In future off-topic discussions or threads which wander off into the wilderness will just be deleted.

SWEARING AND ABUSIVE LANGUAGE: Basically, Don't. There is a swear word filter but some people seem to go to great lengths to try and bypass it - Don't, persistent offenders will be removed from the forum. Please remember that we try to run a family friendly forum so if you're not happy with your kids or your granny reading it then don't post it!

PROVOCATION AND CRITICISM: If you find yourself getting tangled in a heated debate or argument please consider that a slanging match rarely, if ever, solves matters. It just gets laborious for everyone else and doesn't maintain the friendly atmosphere. If you have a problem with another user or other comments posted on the forum please let us know. There is a built in facility for doing this, every message has a 'report to moderator', just click that and let us know.

ADVERTISING AND CLASSIFIEDS: We do offer a free classified ads facility. Any adverts by a business offering commercial products, services, all spam or vehicles for sale will be deleted. No traders, without prior agreement with the Forum Administrator. If another user asks a question about where to obtain an item or for recommendations for a product you can respond but blatant advertising will not be tolerated.

The 'Vehicles For Sale' section is not an opportunity to pick apart a vehicle and make unfounded claims as to it's legality. If you don't like what's on offer, contact the vendor and/or the relevant authorities. There is more advice on how to do this in the section.

Forum members are reminded of their legal obligations in providing a fair description of items for sale. You might find this link useful - Sale of Goods Act. The onus is on the vendor - buyer - to ascertain that the item/s are suitable for their purpose. Caveat emptor! If you are interested in purchasing a complete vehicle then you are recommended to inspect before buying, or at least appoint an agent to look for you.

The Forum Owner, the Series 2 Club Officers and Series 2 Club Ltd. are NOT responsible for the description, supply, delivery or non-payment of any items sold through this discussion forum or correspondence resulting thereof. We will not act as intermediaries in sorting out disputes. Do not use the forum to conduct your disputed business. In cases of dispute please contact your local trading standards office and/or pursue the matter through the small claims court procedures.

Please note Mention of a vendor or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or endorsement of the vendor or product by the Series 2 Club Ltd. (or the committee) and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other vendors or products that may also be suitable.

NAME AND SHAME: A forum owned and operated by a hobby club (like ours) is NOT the place to air your grievances about a company or a product. We all like to rant about the utility companies, public transport and the government but directing your anger towards a small company could have a devastating affect on that company. We do not have the time or resources to investigate every reported case of bad service or dodgy product so we cannot allow our forum to be used for such purposes. We have had to respond to legal correspondence in the past as a result of other people's comments on our forum and it is not something we want to do again.

PHOTOS: Anything you wouldn't show your granny shouldn't be posted on the forum. No nude or suggestive photos or illustrations. Photos of off-road or greenlane trips should be restricted to the 'Events Section', in the main. This will help page loading and response time for those not on Broadband and/or who are not interested in endless pics of greenlanes. Some of us are, so try to keep them in one place. Photos depicting deliberate or foolish damage to the environment will not be tolerated. It is not a 'badge of honour' to show vehicles stuck up to the chassis on a greenlane - it's just plain stupid. We run a separate photohosting service - Coppermine Photo Gallery. The same conditions and standards apply therein. Please try to keep your pictures to around 600 x 480 pixels or about 18 x 16 cms at a screen resolution of 72 dpi. Very large pictures are annoying and will by edited down to size. Please note that we are not a back-up service for your precious pictures. We can not guarantee to hold copies of your pictures for ever, images in the gallery are subject to removal during system maintenance.

By posting pictures here, you give up all rights to claim copyright on the displayed images.

AVATARS: In a similar vein to the above comments we don't want to see bouncing boobs next to every message you post. You can use static or animated gifs up to 60 x 60 pixels but please keep them clean.

SIGNATURES: You can edit your profile to show a standard signature after every message you post. Not everyone does this but some people seem to think we need a full technical specification of their vehicle and life history displayed after every comment posted. This will be posted after every comment you make. Long signatures just break up the flow of a discussion so please keep it brief. If you find avatars and signatures annoying you can turn them off in your forum profile, it's one of the settings you can select.

ILLEGAL CONTENT: We will not tolerate illegal content of any kind being posted on the forum. This includes links to rip-off technical manuals or any copyrighted materials. We do not condone illegal activities. Don't post claiming something is illegal and expect us to be your policeman. We don't have the time to follow up and investigate every single post or claim. I you are not happy take the matter up with the relevant authorities.

CHATROOM: The forum is not a chatroom. A lot of people use the email-notification facility on the forum to keep in touch with what's being posted, they do not appreciate having their inboxes filled with banter and off-topic chat. Please use Facebook and other social media for chat.

DISRUPTIVE FORUM BEHAVIOUR: This includes many anti-social forum activities. Retro-editing: This is where a topic is started and posts made and an author comes back later and removes comments from their post such that all subsequent posts are rendered nonsense. It is acceptable to retro-edit a post if you notice an obvious error of fact or if you want to add more detail. But think, whether it would be better to start a new reply/post. The unauthorised removal of all content is a serious matter. This is disruptive of the forum's smooth running and is why members can not just delete their own posts. Only moderators can do this. If you post by error and want it removed, contact a moderator. Neither can we condone any other activity such as flood posting, spamming or any other activity designed to disrupt the forum. Trollish behaviour will result in the forum account being closed.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Unfortunately there is no such thing!

As much as we would all like the freedom to say what we like, it is not you that will get the lawyer's letters if someone takes offence. WE are responsible for the content of the forum so if we feel something is inappropriate in any way, shape or form it will be deleted. We do not have to justify ourselves and we will not enter into any debates with people who think their civil liberties are somehow being infringed. If you want a personal soapbox you are quite welcome to create your own forum or blog. Our decision in every matter will be final, if you feel that you cannot respect our wishes then you are not welcome on our forum. That may seem a little harsh but we are not a public service and we are under no obligation to give you free access to our facilities.

Please remember that this is a Family Friendly Forum

Wittsend (Forum Administrator)

page last updated 8th December 2023
Title: Re: Forum Terms of Use
Post by: Peter Holden on Dec 08, 2023, 01:15 PM
Thanks Alan for protecting us all
