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Welcome to the new S2C Forum

Started by Wittsend, Jul 05, 2023, 10:16 AM

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Ian F

7756 is my number, Ian F is my username.  I have no rank to report 🤔

Ian F


Ah, I seem to have logged in!

Thank you Alan, I'm not sure how I did that!

Starting again from zero posts again.


Got here. Thank you to Alan at al for making this work.

S2C membership number 13
The old days are the old days only because there're gone and won't be back.


boltonlandyman - back again
membership - 6873 :cheers


Glad to see the forum is back up and running again :gold-cup
Membernumber 4811


Glad it's all working again!

Member number 8315

Sure we will settle to the changes soon


Clifford Pope

It worked perfectly for me yesterday, but today the glitches have returned.
My bookmark to the new forum just said ERROR, so I had to go to the old forum and then click on the link to the new forum.
The new forum had forgotten my details, and I had to log in again.
It seems to be working again now, but in a clunky kind of way.


I had the same - some gremlins obviously got to us overnight.

I think we have to accept and expect some gremlins while we (Wittsend + Elves) sort this out. We have managed to get  an almost fully functional forum back up and running in around 24 hours. The pain the LRSOC went through when their forum had to be rebuilt took the best part of a couple of weeks from memory.

If people can feed Alan with details of specific current gremlins as we are seeing from all the above positive comments, I'm sure this will iron out in time. We do all need to just bear in mind that this is a forum run for us by volunteers in their own spare time and we have to just put up with a bit of disruption. The end result will be worth it.

We are steadily working through multiple IT issues at the moment which are becoming more obvious as our existing systems start to show their age. (Worryingly similar to many owners and their vehicles I suspect!). The Club website is heading for a refresh and we are working to address the problems we have been having with club email contacts. Give it time - progress is happening, but Rome wasn't built in a day...

Above all - thank you Alan and all those others working hard behind the scenes to keep this happy place alive. It clearly has not been easy, but I do know that we all appreciate the effort. Those that don't might perhaps wish to consider how much work has gone into this before being too negative.
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon


Good work on having to redo and setup another forum, it can't be easy and your all just volunteers.

Member Number 5358

Peter Holden

Pleased to see all the positive comments on here, it helps to balance out the negative comments from the keyboard warriors on Faceache


1959 II

Hello All!!

I have managed to get back!

1959 II

member no.6680

Cheers to the team for all the hard migration work!!


Penzance, Cornwall.


Nice to see so many old users friends back on this new forum  :gold-cup

I hope now things are settling down that we can get back to brake and electrical problems.



Hi Alan,
Thanks for all your efforts getting the forum back up and running.
Membership Number 3341

Clifford Pope

It's working well now, it logged in automatically, Thank you Alan and all the volunteers.

Membership No. 3129

Clifford Pope