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NEW Highway Code?

Started by w3526602, Feb 01, 2024, 11:48 AM

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Has anybody read the new Highway Code?

Should I hang up my keys until I've managed to acquire a copy? Thousands of new rules, or so they say.




Don't bother - none of the other 35 million drivers will  :shakinghead
(only those few who are currently taking their test)

Like most things these days, the Highway Code had gone "woke" and seems to be written by people who don't drive cars  :shakinghead


Mind how you go ...

Craig T

Last update was in September 2023

General rules, techniques and advice for all drivers and riders (103 to 158)

Updated rules 113 and 124 as the national speed limit for built-up areas in Wales has changed from 30mph to 20mph.

Annex 4. The road user and the law

Added Restricted Roads (20mph Speed Limit) Order 2022 to the list of legislation.

Nothing really worth reading up about.



The new 'hierarchy' for road users make's no sense whatsoever.
I'm afraid it seems like accidents waiting to happen.


If I took my test now, I would probably fail it, I have about 6 different licences to drive various things like LGV fork lifts, driving in the airport, motorbikes, and about 10 more for H&S and hiab crane reach truck...... and so on


 driving in the airport,

Hi Dopey,

OK, it makes sense to bring the Highway Code up to date. But waiting till its worthy of a full reprint before making the changes known to Joe Public doesn't seem quite so sensible. Surely it would be best if we all started singing to the same hymn sheet on the same day?

How would we achieve that? Perhaps by DVLC sending out updates to the Highway Code, on a weekly basis, to all licence holders. Last time I looked, there were only about 65,000,000 of us. Town Criers?

("Oyez! Oyez!" and a bell).

The Government seem to believe placing adverts in newspapers is sufficient notification of imminent legislation .... Planning Applications, etc.


PS. My suggestion? Dedicated TV channel for Public Services, edited by Jezzer?


John, what happens to those of us who do not have(and have never had) a television?
I prefer the bell and " oyez" !