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Club site access

Started by Adstock, May 28, 2024, 01:25 AM

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Hello Folks

I set up my S2C membership last week (20th May) and now trying to access the main site to get at the parts cat to find Brake part numbers, but discovered I have not been sent my Membership number electronically.
Do you know who I can reach out to ?



To access the S2C website your username is based on your membership number which is s2c-08614

On joining you should have received a welcome email with the details. Perhaps this has got stuck in your trash or junk mail bin  ???

For further help contact Chris Mortimer our Membership Secretary.
[email protected]



Hello Adrian,

I've had a look your application and the website account, I can see that you joined the club and paid via a direct debit.  The way the membership system (CrossMember) works is that a website account will only be created once payment has cleared.  When people pay via credit card, cheque etc, this is quite quick to process so the website account is soon created.  With direct debit, for the first time that is, it takes a while for the payment to be cleared. this means your website account can take a while to come through to you.  This is something I'm addressing with the CrossMember developer, to release DD accounts quicker.  Let me see what I can sort out for you in the mean time, along the lines of a temporary account, I'll drop you an email.

- Membership secretary
- Anglia Area Rep
- Website admin


Thanks Chris.
As ever the man who can!
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon


Thanks Wittsend and Chris
I noted some more Direct debit email arrive this morning.

Will give a few more days and let's see what happens.

@Wittsend, only one email in my Junk folder regarding the forum, and the sender was @Wittsend rather then serie2club.

Thanks for the information


Email sent to you as mentioned...
- Membership secretary
- Anglia Area Rep
- Website admin


Hello Adrian,

At the moment Yahoo is not accepting emails sent from our server so my emails to you this afternoon haven't made their way to you :(.  If you have another email account can you email [email protected] and I'll communicate to you that way, thanks.

- Membership secretary
- Anglia Area Rep
- Website admin