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Do you reverse into your driveway?

Started by Alan Drover, Jun 16, 2024, 03:46 PM

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Quote from: w3526602 on Jun 19, 2024, 06:13 AMHi,

OT, but query the logic ....

I watched a woman park her car in a busy high street, against her near-side kerb, get out, open her off-side rear door .... and let her toddler jump out ... into the traffic.

All to common an occurrence I'm afraid. Makes you wonder what goes through some peoples minds !
If anything ?   ???



I've seen "garden" turntables listed somewhere on the bed,  ...memory says not too expensive ... maybe ... it was some years ago.

The 602 version would have included a gentle grade, with a brake. Releasing the brake will allow the turntable to turn slowly under gravity.