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Computer Guru advice needed.

Started by w3526602, Aug 31, 2023, 10:25 PM

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I mentioned some time ago, that I lost the ability to write or receive EMAILS, when I changed from W8 to W10. Luckily Barbara is able to receive my PMs on her Kindle.

My local (and inexperience Guru), told me that Username needed more characters, and my Security needed to be a mixture of both alpha and numeric. Was he right?

Question, I have an old lap-top from my W8 days. The PC that I'm currently keying on was purchased for the benefit of W10, and I understand that W11 is on the horizon. Is it likely that my W8 lap-top is still usable? I have friends in Mumbai and Lower Hutt (NZ) that I'd like to re-establish communications with.

Repeat, Barbara can pick up forum PMs on her Kindle.




RITUL's family, in Mumbai, cut gears.

The last time I heard from him was on the phone. At that time he was driving up the M6 or M1 (to Liverpool?) to buy a gear cutting machine . He seemed very "impressed" by British traffic.

On Topic, coz I "met" Ritul, on the  DIFFLOCK forum, when he had a LWB Series 2, that maxed out at 45mph. Last I heard, he had a new 110.



You now need more complex passwords (for you own protection and security).

Let's say at least 12 characters.
A mix of upper and lower case - some apps even require at least one other keyboard character like ?,*,£,$ etc.
Make a note of your new password - better still, add it to your phone contacts list.

Basically your laptop is now scrap.
It is very unlikely to be able to run Windows 11  :shakinghead
(My 2016 Dell can't and it's a top of the range Dell  :'(  )

Windows 11 is obsolete, or will be soon.
You need a brand new laptop - something with Windows 11 pre-loaded, and ready to take what Windows comes next.
Go on - treat yourself  :gold-cup

Problem is MS no longer support Windows 10, so no upgrades or support for any security issues.

And before others chip in with "Why don't you use an Apple device or load up a Linux version. Or some other option  :shakinghead
This is 602 here struggling with an old Windows 10 laptop.


Craig T

I know this won't help you 602 but you can install Windows 11 on most machines but it does require a lot of fiddling and it needs to be a complete fresh install.

I did it 18 months or so ago on my work computer. It wasn't meant to be compatible as the processor wasn't supported. (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1245 v6 @ 3.70GHz   3.70 GHz)

It involves downloading the Windows installation ISO file from Microsoft then extracting it to a large USB stick using a program that can remove the Microsoft checks that are required before installation. I removed the processor check and the TPM 2.0 check during the ISO extraction then did a fresh install erasing all the previous data on the hard drive. (SSD) Once done, Windows went off, checked the licence and it has been running 100% perfectly since. Never had a slow moment, never locked up and never crashed once.

That probably all sounds like mandarin to most people but Windows 11 is possible on most machines made in the last few years if you side step a few things...
A computer expert local to you may be willing to give it a go but maybe computer shops or businesses wont as they probably have to abide my Microsoft's licensing rules..



I think in this case Craig we just need to have a simple functioning means of communication that anybody can manage. John has more than enough to cope with without attempting to go to W11 I reckon!

I'm running W10 on both my laptops and its absolutely fine. Both are heading south now so will be replaced by one good one soonish. I wasn't aware that W11 was heading for renewal already???
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon

Craig T

Yes, absolutely, 602 doesn't need to be trying to install Windows 11. Alan might fancy giving it a go though.

I think when Alan said "Windows 11 is obsolete, or will be soon" above I think that was a typo and it was meant to say Windows 10?

Hope 11 isn't being replaced yet, I kinda like it...



Windows 10 is a dead duck.

Won't be too long before MS have a replacement/update for Windows 11.
Already there have been subtle updates to Windows 11, but they've still called it Windows 11, you have to look at the build versions.
And there is plenty of advice around on how to remove the junk from Windows 11 like Onedrive and Edge and Cortana etc. etc.

The problem with my Dell laptop is that the firmware won't support TMP 2.0  :ranting
Dell don't seem to be interested nor do MS.
Windows 10 runs just fine on it.

I'm typing for you now on my Apple Mac on which I run a Windows 10 and Windows 11 emulator.
I get the best of all worlds  :gold-cup

I'm waiting for a Windows 11 emulator that will run on a Dell laptop under Windows 10 if you get my drift.

If 602's laptop is of the Windows 7 era then it's very unlikely to be able to run Windows 11.

So say (and do) that you can put Windows 11 on a USB stick and boot off that. Not a route I've tried/investigated.
It's a shame as the Dell is a very nice well made device.