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Fixable? Or do I need a new PC?

Started by w3526602, Sep 07, 2023, 02:09 AM

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Recently, I have been unable to switch my lap-top OFF, so the battery goes flat over night. I can prevent that by unplugging the WHITE cable, although there still seem to be little blue lights still glowing.

The white cable leads to an impressive, oddly shaped MAINS plug.

Should I factor a new PC into my budget, or SHOULD my Guru be able to fix it? I do not have a lot of confidence in him.



It may well be something in your power settings as you can control whether it turns off completely or just goes on standby or hibernation. If your guru is even half competent, they should be able to check that for you.

If not, definitely seek out a new guru - even I can adjust my power settings...
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon


I expect that it varies by PC brand, but with HP laptops, if you hold the power button down for about 5 seconds, it fully shuts down whatever settings that you have for sleep/hibernate.

Alan Drover

Try Land Rover special tool number 1.
Series 3 Owner but interested in all real Land Rovers.
"Being born was my first big mistake."
"Ça plane pour moi!"