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Started by w3526602, Nov 25, 2023, 07:01 AM

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No sooner had I logged on, that the ladies finished with Barbara and demanded my presence in the bedroom. Doh!

So this mail is just to copy this onto the Forum, and hope that I'm not repeating it.

It means little to me. ???


But that's not the only way to check if your device will work with the free Windows 11 update. Read on for all of your options for checking Windows 11 device compatibility. With the Windows 11 release date finally past (remember, however, that it'll be a staggered rollout), it's a good idea to check your own computer. If your device doesn't meet eligibility requirements, you may need to replace your PC by 2025 as Microsoft will phase out Windows 10 over the next several years.


you may need to replace your PC by 2025 as Microsoft will phase out Windows 10 over the next several years.


But I only just replaced my lap-top (can't remember when, but it might be "logged" on this forum) to replace W8 with W10. Vague memory of Microsoft promising it would be the last update.

Talking of which, I seem to have "lost" the ability to send/receive PMs on this forum. Er, did I know that was going to happen?



Your laptop maybe new to you, but it won't have been new from the factory as Windows 8 is so out of date by many years. I don't suppose you know the make and model ??? it will be on a label on the bottom of the under case.

Don't believe any "promises" by these mega global companies. Very niave to take them at their word.

Sounds like you need a brand new, state of the art PC/laptop - get cracking as there are some good Black Friday deals out there.

Can't use the PM feature on the forum - this is more likely due to lack of familiarity. You need someone to walk you through using the forum.
And then setting up and using your email.


Hi Alan,

Thanks for that.

My Email went haywire when I HAD to buy a new laptop to access W10. I found a new Guru to set me up on W10. He told me I needed a longer user name and a more complicated password. Since when, I (personally) have not been able to access my Email. For reasons best known to others, my old fashioned Email, including Club MESSAGES, comes up on Barbara's KINDLE.

I told my Guru to transfer everything from the old lap-top to the new, then keep the old PC for spares.

Yesterday, I noticed an old laptop, lurking under a pile of junk, in my study. If I can find a power lead (expensive) I will see what secrets it holds.

Yesterday, there was an advert on TV ... win a battery powered Hyundai Kona. Barbara said we were unlikely to win it, so why not buy one. I replied that she wouldn't be able get into it (she has not got out of bed, since her last fall, over a year ago). She said that was irrelevant.  I'm now in "rethink" mode.

If for a suitably disabled, new cars are VAT exempt. I'm guestimating that the REQUIRED WELDED MODIFICATIONS for WAV exemption, will just about equate to the VAT savings.

Doh! 07.00hrs, and My Ladies of the Shower have arrived. More anon!



Rather than buy a new car I think a new laptop should go to the top of your shopping list.

You've been in this limbo world for years.
Not being able to access the forum.
Not being able to use email.
Not being able to use the forum PM system.

Junk Windows 10

It's no good people here saying your can still run Windows NT or Windows 3 etc.
Yes you can, but you need to be a computer geek to set it up for the old stuff to work in today's world.
Windows 10 is dropping off the edge.

When you set up an email account the program won't let you have a too short username or password.
It will reject "wrong" passwords - it will probably tell you how many characters it needs - usually at least one capital letter, one number and one "special" character, like £,$,%,&,* sort of thing. Some will even generate a secure password for you - write it down.

The biggest problem in setting up an email account is you need to know your ISP (internet provider and your account name and password) and the server settings. Armed with this info any half decent computer shop should be able to set it up for you.

Get yourself to PC World and get them to show you a few examples. You don't need any thing fancy or top-of-the-range. Just a jobbing laptop that can handle all the latest/modern software.

As for your power lead - we discussed this ages ago. You should be able to find one (new) on eBay for little money and a new battery pack. Get the model details off the back and type them into eBay.

Seems to me you need your Laptop setting up properly and your last chap doesn't seem to be up to it  :shakinghead 


Hi Alan,

Thanks for you prompt and courteous reply. I understood most of what you said, but actioning it might be another matter.

We can afford a new car and a new lap-top. CASH! The first problem is the need not to drive an oil burner. The second problem with a new car, is that Social Services might consider it deliberately reducing our assets. I can't board a bus, assuming they still need passengers to mount a high step ... all steps on my property have been reduced to 4". Some simple tests have indicated that I would be unable to climb into the back of a taxi, but perhaps I should repeat those tests. A wheel-chair friendly taxi has a minimum fare of £40 ... they obviously want the airport trade. I can hobble, but not for long distances. We need to change a lamp-bulb in the living room (seldom used, as I spend my days, fully dressed, lying in my hospital style bed, beside Barbara. I should have spent the extra £200, and got a proper hospital bed). Er! ... light bulb. I'm waiting for our formidable African carer, who is tall enough to reach the bulb socket without standing on tip-toe.

Thinks! Can I accuse the NHS for advertising that treatment is free at the point of delivery, from cradle to the grave? Oh no it's not. I am about to tell MY carers that I no longer require their services. It would be cheaper to get the Chippy to deliver two meals a day.

Doh! Our ladies have arrived again. I'll sign off, and resume later.




Alan is spot on with his comments, but just trying to tackle one problem at a time - that of not being able to access your email on your Win 10 laptop.  Every email provider has a 'lost password' recovery option you just need to Google "password recovery for ???" where ??? Is the email provider. As you can access your emails on the Kindle that should give you your username - who are your emails addressed to and should indicate your provider - usually the bit after the last "@" For instance mine is 'myname'@ and if I ever forgot my password I would just Google "password recovery ''.

Alternatively if your email address has been modified to just your ordinary name, I'm sure Alan will have your full email in his records and should be able to deduce the provider?


602 is with  :thud

... which is even deader than Windows 10  :shakinghead

QuoteIn April 2013 AOL Broadband was 'rated worst for broadband problems' by Which? Magazine. By April 2014, AOL Broadband was no longer available for new customers.

Time for a new email address methinks.

Who is your ISP - internet provider ???

BT maybe ...

You would be able to use

If you can't send or receive emails on aol then moving to a new provider means you have nothing to lose.
Send an email to all your contacts and the messages will start rolling in.

Almost anyone would be better than aol.
But not or as they really don't like the domain, they think we are spammers  :shakinghead


I am with AOL and have been almost since day 1. It is now, I think, owned by TalkTalk.
Not really had any issues with them, other than regular 'are your details upto date' questions.
I do believe that each operating system carries on working, just becomes less effective ?
I have not long switched from XP, it just slowly became slower ... And updates stop.



Just found a load of old mail, that I haven't replied to. Sorry!

Question! Barbara's Kindle brings up this Club's PMs that are (or were) addressed to me.

Should that happen?


PS. I read, a long time before the internet was invented, that once a snooper finds that you have a secret, they will increase their efforts to find other secrets.

A padlock is a sign of insecurity. Discuss!

A policeman was using a box containing a full set of the old MRN ignition keys, to open a locked car. Eventually he found a key that fitted, climbed into the car to check that it fitted the ignition too. Yes!

In the meantime, somebody had pinched his box of keys.

That story might have originated in NOTES TAKEN AT THE TIME. I think Alan will know which publication I am referring to. When Barbara was Press Officer at DVLC, she received the full range of motoring magazines, including Commercial Motor, and Police Review. She brought them home for me to search for references to DVLC. Interesting magazines.



... any news/decision on a new laptop  ???


... any news/decision on a new laptop?

Hi Alan,

Sort of!

Chat with Barbara this morning, which ended with her phoning the main dealer she bought her current Hyundai from. Its coming up for it's second MOT, so 4 years old at the end of this month. 13,000 miles on the odometer. Full Main Dealer service history, Small mark on off side rear door ... somebody had put a drum of rubble in the gap between us and the car in the next parking bay. Grandson in rear seat opened the door. Original rear tyres moved to front, and new tyres fitted to original front wheels before fitting to rear, just a few weeks ago.

Following our discussion, Barbara phoned that Hyundai dealer, requested they present a new battery powered Hyundai Kona to our front door, for inspection. Probably best to wait till the new year before delivery, subject to our inspection.

Doh! 0% finance, which means nothing to gain by paying cash, unless she can negotiate a better deal.

Double Doh! The girls tell me that my dinner is now on the bedroom window ledge. And Barbara says DIY SOS is on TV, don't want to miss that.

I will resume later.



I prefer my dinner on a plate  :essen

If you are buying a new car the lead time for delivery will likely be a few weeks/months more so if you are ordering a popular model with specific extras and colour.

My new car was ordered well before Christmas and delivered at the end of January. It was made in the 2nd week of January, so it didn't hang around in a field for long.

If you are not fussy as to what the car has/colour delivery could be quicker.
See if they will throw in a new laptop, a set of floor mats and a bunch of flowers !

Good luck ...




Thanks all.

Forum email nudges that I have received a MESSAGE (now extinct) appear on Barbara's Kindle. I think she is telling me that some other email, addressed to me, also arrives on her Kindle.

I wonder what edition of Kindle she has? She hasn't bought one for a long time.

Barbara is still in occasional contact with our Guru in NEATH (South Wales). I think I will ask her to ask him ....

Yikes, I've just seen the time.



I spend my days, fully dressed, lying in my hospital style bed, beside Barbara.


So I woke up this morning, fully dressed. I worked out that my ladies had not changed me into my jim-jams last night.

Then their headlamps appeared through the bedroom curtains, so I dived into the shower while they dealt with Barbara.

Shower over, I went into the living room, and got dressed ... all bar my socks, which I can't do myself. I use an 18" shoe horn to get my shoes on, and hook my trousers over my feet. On a "good day", the girls dry my back, apply some Nivea, and dress me totally. Some back chat, but all good clean fun. "I commend it to the House!"

So I waited, in my armchair, while I waited for my turn. WRONG!

The girls took great pleasure in telling me that it was still yesterday evening. This despite telling us that we are their favourite patients.

Most of the girls are from the Indian sub-continent, with a very few from Africa. Wiping bottoms in the UK seems to be their equivalent of working on the North Sea oil rigs. Not the most pleasant of tasks, but after a couple of years, they can afford to return home and retire.

I suspect that they are better educated than myself, and they all have UK driving licences. One of the girls found out about icy roads, the hard way. They are lovely.