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New member protocol

Started by s2c-08616, May 26, 2024, 09:32 AM

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Good morning. Thanks for acceptance!  Before I bug the hell out of everyone, can you please tell me the protocol - how to introduce me and my truck, best way to post threads, how to title them to get maximum benefit, and any other shortcuts. Ta
Jessie - 1964 SWB 2A.


This is an easy going relaxed forum. We don't stand on ceremony! If you want to add an introduction, just a few lines telling us about your vehicle and how you use it is always if interest. The forum is broken down into sections, so please post in the relevant section which is pretty much self-explanatory.
If you want to add photos, please keep them ideally below 1Mb as some users live in remote areas with slow and expensive download speeds. You can do that using multiple online programs.

If you want to reply to a post and add an attachment or image, use the "REPLY" button at the bottom of the last post, not the "Quick Reply" function. The Quick Reply option does not give you the option to post attachments.

If unsure, by all means ask.
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon


Welcome! A photo often helps when raising a topic, I think.

 Shout if you need any help dating your truck/engine - we might have it on the club database or some near-abouts. Can send me a PM with the details if this is of interest.

Vehicle Database Officer
1964 88" Canvas Top ACR Petrol
1979 88" Truck cab Petrol Series III