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EMLRA (Ex military land rover association) forum down

Started by nathanglasgow, May 22, 2024, 07:42 AM

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Personally I think the S2C has hit a nice equilibrium between the Forum and the Facebook group. Both serve a slightly different purpose and compliment each other if you happen to use both.
1968 Series 2A 88" 2.25 Petrol (Mine)
1968 Series 2A 109" Station Wagon 2.6 Petrol (formally my Dad's - now sold)


Fair point. I do look at and read some of the Series 1,2 3 and Light Weight Facebook group stuff.


Clive (fv1620), just wondering if you got any type of reason from the EMLRA chaps this weekend as to why they chose to shut the forum.  :cheers


Over the last couple of days I have made several representations to the committee members present here. The overriding concern seems to establish control over the new forum whereas I understand the faecebook there is no firm control of content by the club itself.

I have no idea whether there have been problems or the feeling that there could be because of lack of control over the content. I have pointed out that in recent years there have been no problems of spam or untoward/irrelevant postings on the forum.

I moderate 4 forums 3 of which require a new member of the forum to be moderated for the first 5 posts. This usually shows up bad or irrelevant behaviour, so they are either booted out or if in doubt moderated for longer until their true colours are obvious. I have offered to help moderating these new posts, I do not find it onerous.

There seemed to be some acceptance of having a more open forum as a means of helping newcomers to the forum who may subsequently feel welcomed or helped sufficiently to make them want to join the club. It was put to me that the establishment of the new forum was the big first step and modifications to they way that it works may follow.

As I was told I was the longest joined member, I particularly hope that club moves forward to a more open approach to those who want to contribute & get help, that was the mainstay of its existence. If it doesn't I will let my membership lapse & the large content that I regularly supply to the Newsletter will cease.

The other point I made that is that it not be assumed all non-club members are takers, there will be many people who may not have sufficient enthusiasm to join the club but may wish to contribute memories or advice that we might all benefit from.

Sadly although all the old posts are stored I think, but they are not compatible with the new site technology so are in fact gone for good.

The responses I have received suggest that some mellowing of the structure of the access eligibility may well come once everything is up & running. I hope my optimism is well founded but if I prove to be wrong, I will disentangle myself & leave them to it. 
Clive Elliott

Collecting military technical publications, researching into military vehicle electrical systems, licensed radio amateur since 1964 using microwave bands for tropospheric scatter.


Thank you Clive for the in depth response,much appreciated. Nathan


In the mean time, I am glad to be a member on this forum and although not yet experienced enough to offer to much by way of advice, that will come as my ownership lasts, for however long. I wasn't long without a Landy tbf.


Despite my representations to several committee members a few weeks ago, these have fallen on deaf ears & nothing has changed.

I feel this new exclusivity of the EMLRA forum that prevents non-club members from joining in is not only bad PR & bad manners but will have a detrimental effect of the numbers of potential new members joining. Those who do join who will then have access to the exclusive members only forum will be likely to be disappointed by the lack of content.

Much of the content over the years has come from me & just a few others. In the present climate I feel disinclined contribute to a set-up of which I disapprove. It no longer reflects the friendly helpfulness that was offered to all owners of ex-military Land Rovers.

Similarly since the inception of our Newsletter I have supplied a high level of content. I feel disinclined to provide any more, the next edition due out soon contains the conclusion of a particular series that I have run for two years. There will be no more from me, but the club is no longer the helpful go to place that it was when I first joined as a founding member. 

Clive Elliott

Collecting military technical publications, researching into military vehicle electrical systems, licensed radio amateur since 1964 using microwave bands for tropospheric scatter.


Thanks for the update Clive. Agreed it's a negitive move from the committee to restrict forum access  to paying members only. I feel a bit cheated that I took the time to post my rebuild updates and participate with providing content to help keep the forum alive. Bridges burned here I'm afraid. Maybe the opportune time for a military section here?


You are welcome to post up military Series restorations on here. At the end of the day they are all Land Rovers.

That's twice today I've been able to use my LWT icon  :)


Although there seems to be no great urgency, I have been informed that the points I raised will be discussed at the next committee meeting on 18th July. My representations will be discussed and I am grateful for this thread as I have linked it to my communications.

I'm not optimistic as human nature being what it is, organisations be they small or national, are generally reluctant to backtrack on flagship policies that were deemed to be a new way forward regardless of consequences.

Whether there is any life yet on the new forum I know not as a few weeks ago I deleted it from my bookmarks.

Clive Elliott

Collecting military technical publications, researching into military vehicle electrical systems, licensed radio amateur since 1964 using microwave bands for tropospheric scatter.


Keep the updates coming, please. It just seems very short sighted indeed of the club to preclude non members for all the reasons you mention.