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Someone was after a breast drill a while back…

Started by GlenAnderson, Jun 23, 2024, 10:20 AM

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I have vague recollections of someone needing a breast drill some while ago, to donate its crown wheel and pinion for the drive train of a go-kart. I have just stumbled across this one in my stores and, in the unlikely event that that someone is still looking, or wants to lay in a spare, I thought I'd post it up here.

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I have one of then under my bench too. I've never used it.


Quote from: Ken on Jun 23, 2024, 05:52 PMI have one of then under my bench too. I've never used it.

I turned out two, both brand new. We used to sell them quite often when I worked in the market with my dad as a schoolboy. They're definitely a thing of the past though, because sales pretty much stopped dead when cordless technology became affordable in the 90s. I imagine that these have been sitting in my dad's and then my shed since at least the late 80s. I'm having a big clear out, and lots of the "I'll get around to it one day" stuff is happening now. Some of it is making surprising money but others, like these, are just obsolete.

They're now stripped down to just their vitals. The rest has gone for scrap. If the original person is still out there looking for them then they're available for the cost of the postage. If nobody else wants them then they'll go with the next load of scrap.

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That's a trip down memory lane......


Coincidentally, I've just resurrected my one only last week as I needed a manual drill to drill something very delicate. It worked a treat.
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon


Quote from: diffwhine on Jun 24, 2024, 09:38 AMCoincidentally, I've just resurrected my one only last week as I needed a manual drill to drill something very delicate. It worked a treat.

I still occasionally use my small hand drill for delicate stuff. It's also useful for twisting wires together.