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Started by Alan Drover, Jul 22, 2024, 11:40 AM

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Alan Drover

My new membership card arrived this morning. Best £25 I've ever spent. With discounts I've saved a few years membership fees.
Series 3 Owner but interested in all real Land Rovers.
"Being born was my first big mistake."
"Ça plane pour moi!"


Hi AD,

Thanks for the prompt.

I have just checked my wallet ... no membership card.

So I checked my mail ... no record of this mornings mail ... no record of my mail asking about the car that swiped Barbara's electric Hyundai Kona, registered 1st January, with only 1581 miles now on the clock, and didn't stop.

No, I saw him from a distance, but didn't get his number.

Front bumper dangling by one screw .... my builder cobbled it back in place with a long cable-tie. But further investigation, by myself, suggests that all is not well with the back-end of the car. Warning lamps on the dash panel seem to indicate damage to front. roof, and tail gate.

I guess that is Monday morning spoken for.

I believe insurers are required (by Law?) to replace a SUB-12 month old car with new. Can anyone expand/comment on that?

I also believe that a "write off" also "writes off" the existing insurance policy, including the NCD. Doh! I've had maximum NCD since forever.


PS GIBBO ... I'd be pleased to have you knock on my door, to shufti, and discuss the above.


Hello John ...

Your S2C membership lapsed December 31st 2023.

Contact our membership secretary Chris Mortimer, [email protected]

You will have "missed" the spring & summer B2Ls



Hi Alan.

Thanks for prompt reply and explanation.

I will get Barbara to deal with it, as I have been unable to access/use email since I converted to WINDOWS 10.

Can anybody recommend a "Guru" close to BLETCHLEY/TWO MILE ASH.



I can't tell you the best £25 I ever spent, It would get me a ban...... but membership comes a close 2nd


Hi Alan,

If you remember, I am unable to "operate" emails, ever since a local guru set-up my PC to operate on W10.

I will see if Barbara's KINDLE can do it for me.



John, I'll try and pop in to see you this evening. ( I did have a phone call from Barbara) I have to go to Ipswich at lunch time, but should be back later.Dave