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ELECTRIC VEHICLE. Please help in words of one syllable ....

Started by w3526602, Feb 04, 2024, 11:05 AM

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Most have an app associated with them, but you don't need to use it. You can usually pay by card as you use the charge point, but often the app can get you a couple of pence off the price.

One thing I do know is that all the rapid charge points around here are priced to make the running cost of the electric car similar to equivalent petrol model. So it's in your interest to get your home charger working and also get a cheap overnight deal from your power supplier.


Quote from: The Beast 233 on Feb 07, 2024, 02:25 AMDoes that mean that people like me, who do not own a Smart Phone, should not buy an Electric Vehicle ?
My advice to anyone, regardless of their 'phone. Is don't buy a full Electric Vehicle.
Just my opinion.  :RHD


Does that mean that people like me, who do not own a Smart Phone, should not buy an Electric Vehicle ?

Hi Beast,

Our health centre, housing the doctor's surgery and associated chemist is built on an elevated platform, accessed by a long ramp and/or a flight of steps. A telephone "point", on a post is provided for wheelchair users to summon the Practice "Man Mountain" (He is huge!). The system needs you to use YOUR mobile phone. I suffer from long sightedness, dyslexia and fat finger, so don't carry a mobile phone. The Surgery also does not have a mail box.

Problems! My gait consists of my feet starting together, moving my right foot forward six inches, then bringing my left foot up so that they are together again. Repeat until destination is reached. Slow, and it hurts.

About 70 years ago, following a fractured femur (don't ask, I was in plaster from my ribs down to my toes ... I could just about see when my big toe nail needed cutting. Two month in hospital, while they built up a shoe for my other foot. I was discharged, with a pair of NHS traditional wooden crutches. My mates had to run to keep up with me. When I was called up for National Service, I weighed 126 pounds (a short 60kg) with a 32" chest. Now I have a 40" (call it a metre) chest, weigh close on 200lbs, and have arthritic knees. My armpits hurt when I try to use traditional crutches. I struggle with 4" steps (including kerbs). Our carers arrived one day, to find me halfway up a ladder ... dragging myself up using only my hands, with my feet acting as ratchets, as they passed each rung. Nadine (the care team leader) was "very cross" ... not a pretty sight. Nadine and Barbara had a "heated discussion" one evening. The other carers quickly left the room.

For reasons too numerous, and too complicated to explain here, and entirely beyond my control, the only seat in our car that I can access, is the driver's seat. Neither knee is capable of bending more than 90*, so I use the steering wheel as a "struggling bar" when getting in and out of the car. I could not climb onto a bus, nor climb into the back of a taxi.

Don't grow old ... it hurts ... though I can still read a car registration plate at 25 yards without specs. Probably due to new plastic eyes.

602 ... who is getting to like Barbara's new car. Slight memory malfunction when climbing in for first time each day, but improving.  It's remarkably brisk. Where can I get slick-on piccies of the Lancers and Dragon featured in their TV advert?

"Now, how do I make this thing move?"