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Started by Wittsend, Apr 15, 2024, 11:21 AM

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Scam coming round again - I've had a few over the past week  :ranting

Ignore, DELETE
DVLA never ask for your details like this  :shakinghead

I had to look twice before seeing it was a scam.

 :scam  :scam  :scam


Thanks Alan, good to be aware of such scams
- Membership secretary
- Anglia Area Rep
- Website admin


Getting bored of lowlife doing this sort of thing. I'm advocating a shoot to kill policy. If they are overseas, I propose a pre-emptive inter continental ballistic missile strike.
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon


Same should apply to politicians, I'm for Tudor style politics, if you do well you end up as Lord muck, if you cock up you're executed .


Thanks for the heads up.
But the 'best regards' sign off is far to polite for DVLA  😁


To, "Alan" so your now on first name terms with them now? lol


Another giveaway is their reference to "motoring license" which should really be "driving licence".
Clive Elliott

Collecting military technical publications, researching into military vehicle electrical systems, licensed radio amateur since 1964 using microwave bands for tropospheric scatter.



In the early days at DVLC. a letter was received at DVLC .....

Dear Sir,  Your computer is sick. I hope it dies. XXX.

In the early 1970s, our IT staff used to take a "lot of stick" from commercial programmers, when attending commercial seminars. It was great fun asking the size of the "their" enterprise, then mentioning that DVL's computer was only second in size to that of the US Treasury.

My own "newbie" program, ran to 2000 lines of COBOL. I waa given the brief, and left to get on with it ... my "manager" was too busy dealing with Masterict (sp?) compatibility.

I forced the program to GO TO DUMP if if it "looped" more than 100 times, and print the cause of it looping. Much easier than searching through a couple of hundred pages of print-out.