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Interior fan

Started by Mike T, Apr 25, 2024, 06:03 PM

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Mike T

Just in case we get some warm weather, I would like to get a USB clip on interior fan.
Without taking pot luck, any  recommendations.


I once bought a wired (220V) little clamp-on ventilator for our roof top tent to cool us down in warm weather. It was black, it was cheap, it was plasticky, it was flimsy, but it did what it was supposed to do. Does. It still lives on. It provides a noticeable air stream. But I doubt if you would feel the effect of a 12V-powered fan in a drafty Series cabin. In warm or even warmish weather, you'd probably have the side windows and the bulkhead vents wide open. I know I have. And those would simply eliminate any USB-fan effect, I'm afraid.

'64 S2a

Myles (Mr Fox) Davison

Not a specific recommendation, but.... 

We sold our sailing boat in Corfu three or so years ago - but prior to that, tried all kinds of USB fans (noise at night was possibly more important than throughput in cabins that roasted in 20/30+ deg C!)

I never tried clip on ones though - we used various small desk ones (4-6" diameter) on 'Z' stands.

I still have one (6" metal with two fan speeds) that I have attached to the footwell in my sim-racing rig(!) My PC is high-end and works very hard for racing/flight sims and generates a lot of heat in a small room.

If it were me (and I have considered this but not got around to it yet), I would probably still look for metal USB desk fans if around the 6" size and just work out how to mount them in the LR. The throughput is pretty good and that might outweigh the perceived advantage of being clip-on straight from the box.

You could look at sailing/marine kit - but it comes with a chunky premium regardless of whether it's actually any good!

Myles (Mr Fox) Davison my case, the fan in the rig is just zip-tied to the steel frame I built for the force-feedback steering unit.


Anything USB powered won't have the grunt unless inches from the face. 4.5v ish. Not enough current see... sorry, may as well f**t.

12V stuff might be better but... it's about directing the air. After all, how much puff can we expect from any heater fan? Let be some car-accessory shop shonk?

Open the bulkhead vents.

Myles (Mr Fox) Davison

I have to disagree somewhat. Yes, you won't get the equivalent of the blast from a modern car ventilation system but my experiences in baking sailing boats suggests that the 6" fans - at least - can move enough air to keep you somewhat (that word again) comfortable e.g. when the road speed drops and vents no longer have any flow.

Oh, and I wouldn't be able to hear the fan even after cancelling the indicators and running in my much-quieter XZLs  :coffee  :cool  just to tie those subjective loose ends up :-)