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I need new / better eyes !

Started by geoff, Jun 09, 2024, 09:16 PM

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Stripped a starter motor ( 25533 ) got it all " sorted " and then a quick reassembly  ... easy I thought !

Got it almost all back together just needing to refit the bendix and spring followed by the big spring and locking clip

Oh no not easy at all !!   I just couldn't find the bendix spring collar ..... anywhere ...

Cleared the bench and looked, looked under the bench which involved removing quite a few open boxes with loads of stuff in and still no luck .... went in had a cuppa and came out and redid the search with no luck.

" Buggeration " was my thought and feeling !

Anyway I knew I had a clapped out starter stashed somewhere at the back of the garage and so the expedition began, after around three hours of delving and shifting a lot of stuff I saw the bag it was in , yippee.

The bag contained the part I needed so I cleaned it up and was just about to put it on the motor shaft when I saw, poking its head out ever soo slightly from under the front edge of the vice was " my " bendix spring collar " the one I couldn't find hours earlier .... Doh !

Philosophically I put the original part on the motor, finished the build up and then began putting all the removed stuff away in dark corners for another day.

A half hours job turned into around five hours frustration ..... gosh I really need new / better eyes  :'(  :ranting

Craig T

Compressing the big spring on the end in order to get the spring clip on the shaft isn't easy either. I managed to do mine on the lathe using the tailstock as a press but still a bit fiddly.
The first spring clip has gone missing somewhere in the garage. I tried to remove it then ping, no where to be seen.....


Old Hywel

Never mind, Geoff, I'm sure you found several other things you had 'somewhere'.


Yes found a few lost pearls  :cheers


I made a tool for the big spring - not an original idea by me as I looked at a photo of a " Lucas " tool for the job on eBay

Used two gearbox blanking plates that were lying around and a quick hack with a disc cutter followed by two holes I had a working tool, pictures should be attached. I wasn't trying for prettty only effective and the tool works a treat making very quick and light work of the big spring.


I think you were lucky.

I usually find the "lost" part hiding in plain sight, AFTER I have bought and fitted a replacement. :mr-angry

As said, the upside is that during the search, you discover things you never knew (AKA forgotten) you had.



What I ommited to say was I did actually have an internet hunt around for a new replacement as it was an easy hit but as it happens it seems they are not sold seperately only as a part of a complete bendix assembly.




" Forgotten "  .... I have to admit I have stumbled across quite a few spares over the years that I've bought as a just in case / get 'em in ready type of thing only to have forgotten about them and double bought some time ( years ) later.

Doh !!!  and a big fat Lol !!!  :cool  :RHD



ON topic?

I had a pair of new eyes two or three years ago. Much nerves, but in the event it was completely painless, although I could hear the surgical staff chatting.

Aged 85, I can still read a number plate at 25 yards without specs.


PS, I usually find MY missing parts in my other hand.


Hi John, my vision from 3 yards away is perfect but unfortunatly the first 2 feet from my eyeballs requires I use reading glasses with head position adjustment for focal length variations and then a pair of " normal " glasses " for the next 7 feet, invariably I end up wearing both glasses at the same time which is a pain. The opthalmic quack has tried and failed.

The frustration of looking and not finding is beyond frustration  :shakinghead

 :flasher  :flasher  :flasher  I know if I get a new / bigger garage to accommodate my excellent 3 yards vision I'd be able to stand back and search from afar


Hi Geoff,

Following you mail (immediately above), I found that I can read  (probably) 8-point print from about four inches, without specs, but it doesn't become totally clear until about 6".

There are 72 "points" per inch height, so 8 point is about a ninth of an inch.

The width of print is measured in PICAS (sp?), but I can't remember how many picas there are in an inch. Its been about 50 years since I needed to know. Somebody here must know?




Those were the days !  :'(  :shakinghead  :'(

Anyway, this morning I met a fellow " blind Pugh " at the builders merchants and it worked to my advantage.

I wanted two paving slabs 900 x 600 - council paving slabs, paid for two at the desk and then went into the yard to see the " boys "

Mr Pugh was as bad as me, he looked at the ticket and said oh you want five so I said yes as you do  :flasher

He gave me a hand to load up ... all five of them and I went out through the gate quite happy  :RHD  :RHD

This was on top of having a trade discount 'cos I had my builders clothes on and when I asked for " council paving slabs " which is the old fashioned term the bloke took it I was trade and took 25 % off the price

£17.45 ea reduced to £13.08 ea - I ended up paying £26.16 for five slabs instead of £34.90 for two   :RHD  :cheers-man   

Praise be for all the blind Pughs of this world, now if I could only find a few more blokes like that :essen 


Some days you win, some days you lose...




I often find missing bits in "my other hand".



Quote from: geoff on Jun 12, 2024, 12:20 PMThose were the days !  :'(  :shakinghead  :'(

Anyway, this morning I met a fellow " blind Pugh " at the builders merchants and it worked to my advantage.

I wanted two paving slabs 900 x 600 - council paving slabs, paid for two at the desk and then went into the yard to see the " boys "

Mr Pugh was as bad as me, he looked at the ticket and said oh you want five so I said yes as you do  :flasher

He gave me a hand to load up ... all five of them and I went out through the gate quite happy  :RHD  :RHD

This was on top of having a trade discount 'cos I had my builders clothes on and when I asked for " council paving slabs " which is the old fashioned term the bloke took it I was trade and took 25 % off the price

£17.45 ea reduced to £13.08 ea - I ended up paying £26.16 for five slabs instead of £34.90 for two   :RHD  :cheers-man   

Praise be for all the blind Pughs of this world, now if I could only find a few more blokes like that :essen 

I went into a big diy store and bought 6 chairs and a dining table, (flat pack table solid wood) went to the till and she carged me for just 4 chairs.... and I did tell her it was 6 chairs and a table, she wouldn't have it and was angry that I told her.... so who am I to argue, and I walked out and loaded the car up and drove off lol, Oh! and I just got new eyes, have my cateracts taken out, it's like seeing things in 4K now, Its great to see colours and everything so sharp again