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602 X OT. New car a write-off at 1561 miles.. ???

Started by w3526602, Aug 03, 2024, 11:36 AM

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Old Hywel

Also, inform the police.

You'll probably need a crime number for your insurer.


Quote from: w3526602 on Aug 04, 2024, 09:35 AMHi,

Thanks for the kind thoughts. The "thick plottens".

As I was contemplating my navel. it dawned on me that my car had been hit by a car passing the rear bumper first, so I went to have a shufti. Hmmm! Something doesn't look "too right enough" between the bumper and the "sill" below the tailgate ... not actually damaged, but "things not quite lining up enough".

Sunday today, but I'll give the main dealer who sold us the car a phone call ... he's only three or four miles away. I consider my lash-up good enough to drive. This is the "Nth" new car we have bought from him. The KIA dealer lives next door. and I'd quite fancy a SPORTIVA  :essen

It's just gone 09.00hrs , so I'll give Hyundai a bell, to see what they can offer me.

I do believe Hyundai and Kia are the same company ?
They may not have your best interest at heart but for your own piece of mind let the insurer deal with it.
Police will probably be disinterested but insurer will want to know they have been contacted.



Insurance notified, car recovered on a trailer, tow car/truck was round corner so I didn't see it. Handed keys to courtesy car ("71" registered Toyoya) Horrible. That was, I think, Friday. since when .... zilch.  I have driven to my daughters and and back. Once ... say 6 miles including return.

Courtesy car is costing £20 per day.

It would be cheaper to pay for my grandson to come to us, to walk Wilky. at only £5 each way.

Girls are nagging me again ... lunch is waiting on my pillow.



Why £20 per day  :thud

Aren't you with LV (if not, why not).
Our courtesy car cost us nothing (this was 3 weeks ago), our excess remains intact.


Hi All,

Insurers notified, my car trailered away, courtesy car provided on Friday, since when, zilch.

I have no idea who who has my car, or where it is. Will my insurers know?

Question. The courstesy fuel tank is quarter full. How big a dribble should I add each time it gets very low ... in case they come and take it back.




Hi Alan, Yes I am with LV.... and its £50 per day.

A taxi would be cheaper, but I take Wilkie to our daughter's, so grandson can walk him.

Taxi's charge £40 to carry a dog. Thinks, pay £5 each way for taxi to bring grandson to our house, which would obviate the need for a courtesy car.



Since when does an insurance company charge you for a courtesy car? That can't be right. If its included in your policy, there should be no charge. If it isn't, throw the damn thing back at them now and use taxis. Its got to be cheaper...
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon


Taxis must be cheaper!e


Agreed! That is until a dog is involved.

Hmmm! Maybe there is an opening for a dog friendly taxi business ... with humans travelling for free, to avoid the "hire and reward", passenger liability insurance penalty.
60 years ago, I was a self-employed private hire operator. TPO was costing me £300pa, and I paid the (basement) Office Manager £20pw to provide me with customers. 52,000miles in South London in my first year, which co-incidentally ended at the same time as I got a place as a trainee detail draftsman at a Government Training Centre. About 6% of applicants got a place, and only about 4% actually completed the course.



If you paying for it then it not a 'courtesy' car, it is being hired.
Check your Policy, if it correct, give it back. Dog walking services are less than that !
Friend drives a Hackney, standing charge for dog's is £5 unless a 'mess' is made then it is £50 +. He often does not bother charging the extra.



Yes, I think (hope) insurers notified (by Barbara). Car taken away, and not too pleasant courtesy car delivered. Liquid fuel ... I haven't looked/listened, but I think its petrol, and manual gears. (I was given the choice of manual or auto). 

Idle thoughts about mis-fueling a courtesy car.  :cool 

I have a handwritten note saying "the" car will "remain insured until claim is settled". I presume that means MY car is not yet written off. How much do big black front bumpers cost?


PS. Many Yonks (50 years) ago, a lad claimed for damage to his car. Unfortunately, the assessor remembered writing the car off ... the previous week.



Courtesy car is still with me ... still only done one journey ... three miles and return, since delivered.

Problem ... I have no contact details for anybody. I feel a "domestic" coming on.



Have a look round the car.
Ours had a discret logo/sign on the sides and back window advertising the service.
Look in the glove box - there should be a card or notice of who the courtesy car people are.

On hand-over we had some paperwork to sign - didn't you get a copy ???

They don't/didn't just dump the car on your drive - they must have talked you through it and made sure you were happy with the vehicle ???


Hi Allan,

WRONG! Anyway, the "courtesy" car was taken away about an hour ago.

Soon after, call from whoever has possession of our car, asking for lots of money ... both £1,000 and £8,000 were mentioned, but I was losing interest by that time, so don't know how to get back to them.

I don't know where my car is.  ???


Alan Drover

I'd get back immediately to the insurance company and demand to know what's going on and don't take "No" for an answer. After all you pay your premium and should get help and co operation.
It would appear there are some unscrupulous persons at work. Don't be taken for a ride.
Were there any company logos on the recovery truck?
Series 3 Owner but interested in all real Land Rovers.
"Being born was my first big mistake."
"Ça plane pour moi!"
