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is it just me

Started by Peter Holden, Sep 02, 2024, 05:35 PM

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Can you expand Peter, I don't/ will not have anything to do with social media. I did try to look but it wants me to allow them access or something like.


The description finishes with 'registered as historic vehicle' and is listed as a Series 3, but the description prior to that describes it as coil sprung, a donor engine from a non LR family, and features which may contradict its description as historic. It's a pleasant looking vehicle and may drive very nicely with the changes but 'historic'?


Ken- its a heavily modified 88" coil sprung hybrid.

Peter - I'd steer well clear... From the perspective of historic status, its a can of cans of worms.

On the basis that we can't police everything, I would keep well out of it.
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon

Peter Holden

I am keeping well clear but DVLA do have an active investigating team.  If they pick this one up I have no doubt I will get some photos to comment on.  It is very near to me along with a bright yellow coil Sprung 80 that a garage has been trying to sell for about 3 years



Thanks for expanding on that.
These woes happen everywhere. I must say though that what we see with Land Rover is ( mercifully) small compared with what happens with other marques.
I have owned a number of early thirties OHC MG's. The works built a range of race cars in small numbers which were extremely successful and now very desirable.
One guy who owned a K3 ( the most valuable, now just getting into six figures) which had a known and continuous history. It had been crashed in the mid thirties and the works repaired it using a new chassis, properly stamped. The damaged one was scrapped but survived it seems. One rogue dealer found the scrapped chassis, built up a replica car on it and claimed it as the original. Last time I looked there were two K3's with the same chassis number.
There's an awful lot more as well.

Alan Drover

Many years ago I came across a 1959 coil sprung "Series 2'" with a single piece Defender windscreen. I think things were a bit more lax in those days. It was shortly after the 30 years of age for free road tax was introduced.
Series 3 Owner but interested in all real Land Rovers.
"Being born was my first big mistake."
"Ça plane pour moi!"


I think it needs reporting as it appears to be a blatent fraudulant advert which could end up with some unsuspecting punter coughing up good money and then getting it impounded / crushed


The advert's no longer there. Sold or removed?
'64 S2a
'85 RRC


I'm still not sure we should get too involved. In my view it is a DVLA responsibility to police this, not individual car clubs. If we are approached and asked to comment as the perceived authority, then of course let off both barrels, but I think we put ourselves in an awkward position if we pro-actively report these cases.

Put it another way - has the DVLA asked us to flag up such concerns? 
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon

Alan Drover

I agree with Diffwhine.
It's up to any potential purchaser to investigate and take any appropriate advice.
"Caveat Emptor" applies.
Series 3 Owner but interested in all real Land Rovers.
"Being born was my first big mistake."
"Ça plane pour moi!"


Thing is, it's probably a very nice vehicle. It's a pity that it's being fraudulently sold, and the current system for classifying vehicles does not permit such a vehicle to be used.


Peter Holden

I disagree with that? There is a route through DVLA to legally put that on the road using the radically modified route but it is hard work and the end result cannot be historic tax or MOT exempt


Alan Drover

Does it end up with a Q plate and have to pass an individual safety check?
Series 3 Owner but interested in all real Land Rovers.
"Being born was my first big mistake."
"Ça plane pour moi!"


Quote from: Peter Holden on Sep 03, 2024, 07:53 PMI disagree with that? There is a route through DVLA to legally put that on the road using the radically modified route but it is hard work and the end result cannot be historic tax or MOT exempt


I'm no expert but I would have thought that it would have to comply with IVA rules which no Land Rover is ever going to achieve. At the end of the day, it's a one-off kit car with the kit being supplied by Land Rover.
