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Starter solenoid

Started by Bigdog, Sep 17, 2023, 05:00 PM

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Is this the starter solenoid for a 2 1/4 petrol engine, obviously it's not fixed yet and do I need any other starter solenoids, thanks


No, that's the ignition coil that provides the sparks ...

The petrol starter solenoid looks like this ...

And is situated down on the bulkhead, slightly to the driver's side.




Can I still use these parts or better with new, also the voltage regulator has different numbers etc on it and don't match up to what's in the wiring diagram so not sure what would go where


Here's a good shot of where the solenoid is mounted.

This is actually for an early 2/2A which has the starter button. Later 2As had a key start and used a slightly different solenoid as shown in my earlier post - mounted in the same position. Pre-engaged starters, diesel starters have the solenoid mounted piggy-back on the actual starter motor.



As your's is Ex-MoD you have the (technically) slightly better Lucas RB340 constant current - (3 bobbin - there are 3 copper coils inside the box) regulator.
Your's looks to be a pattern replacement part as OE boxes have Lucas RB340 cast in the plastic cover.

The fuse bank and terminals trip are all original to the MoD version(s).
They should clean up nicely with some electrical service spray (not WD-40, unless you really have to  :shakinghead  )

:shakinghead  :RHD


That's much appreciated, the more I study the wiring diagram the more I am starting to understand it, what else do you think I would need


 What's the difference between the military wiring loom compared to a standard 2a petrol loom


As your's is an MoD model my wiring diagram #11 (for a 2A LWT) is perhaps more applicable to what you have. A lot depends on how much of the original wiring the POs have hacked out  :shakinghead
For instance, I bet they have removed the 6-way lighting/ignition switch.

So you are going to have to work through what you have in conjunction with diagram #11 and a standard 2A diagram. It's going to be a bit of a bitsa.



If I have stripped out all the original wiring could I not just wire it as normal




You did buy the correct military loom?


Hi Nathan, yes that's the one I bought
