Next year is the 65th Anniversary of the Series 2 Land Rover. To mark this event the collective ‘we’ at Series 2 Club Headquarters have set ourselves a challenge.
We intend to move a Series 2 bonnet all the way from Lands End, to John O Groats, ideally via the most westerly & easternly points possible on UK mainland enroute. The bonnet is to ONLY travel via Series 2 Land Rover throughout. No modern vehicles allowed. The bonnet can either be fitted to a vehicle, travel in a vehicle or ON a vehicle. No excuses. Ratchet strap it to the roof if you must (terms and conditions apply).
The upper surface of the bonnet will be divided into 20 equal sized areas, one for each Series 2 Club Area. As the bonnet passes through each geographical area of the club, it is entirely up to area in question to populate/paint/apply stickers/do what ever they like to their ‘patch’ on the bonnet. The idea being that the bonnet is a bit like a patchwork quilt when finished. If you require more surface area for your area, you will have to get imaginative with your sheet metal skills and engineer something that folds out and back in again onto your patch, and remember it must be safe and secure when fitted as a bonnet while driving!
Here are some of the benefits of this challenge.
1) It is a good excuse for a road trip/adventure.
2) Encourages members from adjoining areas to meet up
3) Encourages healthy competition between areas
4) Let’s us find out which area has the most vivid imagination and ultimately is a little bit crazy?!
5) Gets us all out driving our Series 2 Land Rovers.
6) Reminds us of the importance of a removal bonnet.
Now, although the bonnet is important, and there are certain milestones that we must strive to meet, the physical bonnet is not the focus. Really, we are interested in the ‘journey’ of the bonnet. Where has it been? What has it been used for? We need photos of people with the bonnet in weird and wonderful places, on or off the Land Rover. The story of the bonnet will be one of ‘who can take things to the next level’…
The journey of the bonnet along with its location will be tracked via the Club Forum & Social Media accounts.
We have not forgotten about International Areas. So, the view is to remove the Spare Wheel Mount from the centre of the bonnet, and possibly some hinges, and get these moving around the Rest of the World (Club Areas), so that they can arrive back in time to be assembled to the bonnet.
The bonnet WILL be on display at the Series 2 Club National Rally in August 2023.
The official finish for the bonnet will be to display at the NEC show in November 2023.
The bonnet needs to be arriving at John O Groats in July 2023.
April – To travel around Bristol/Severn Valley Areas
1st May – Bonnet officially enters Wales never to be seen again.
30th May – Bonnet hopefully appears out the top of Wales near Chester.
1st – 30th June – Bonnet moves up the west coast from Chester with the ultimate destination of Phil in Dumfries.
1st July – Bonnet begins its Scottish Adventure.
30th July – Bonnet has hopefully been to John O Groats, and on its way back down via the East Coast.
1st August – Series 2 Club Rally. – Bonnet travels the east coast of England at AO discretion ultimately ending up at the Series 2 Club Rally in the Peak District.
Mid August – Someone takes the bonnet home from the Rally and the bonnet is to conduct a clockwise loop of East Anglia and Central Shires finishing at the NEC in time for November.
As you can see, this is quite a tall order, so anything we can do to improve our timings early on gives the guys in Scotland much needed breathing space!!
Please think up your ideas and organise trips beforehand, and liaise with adjoining areas to hatch a plan. Let’s get this bonnet greenlaning and out there exploring the world. Also, be sure to consider applying varnish to any artwork that you might apply. We fully expect the bonnet to pick up plenty of patina while in transit!
Bonnet is also allowed in pubs/kebab houses/deep puddles/nightclubs and even lent up next to a Series 1 - mind the paintwork!
At the end of the bonnet’s journey the club will auction the bonnet off for charity at the NEC.
Contact your Area Organiser if you would like to be involved with something crazy relating to this bonnet!