I don't know if I've already asked this question, but if I did, I can't find any trace.
I 've had a printer (detailed in heading, above) for several months, with no recollection of having had to replace the ink cartridges, although there is something in the "shadows of my mind" about the ink running low.
And then it stopped printing, so I assumed I was out of ink (but it might have coincided with my builder changing the furniture layout in my study) Whatever, I replaced the ink cartridges, but it made no difference.
I called in my local Guru (retired telephone engineer), but he couldn't make it work either.
I cannot remember if the printer went through the motion, but ejected blank sheets of paper.
Barbara authorised the purchase of a replacement printer, same make and model, which I set up myself. Same problem .... printer chunters away, but also presents me with a blank sheet.
When I press PRINT, the screen displays a small image of the document that I want to print, but it doesn't happen.
Back to my memories ... there is something at the back of my grey cells about somebody recently mentioning an impressively named cable being required, with more thoughts suggesting that I went through all this with the first printer. I can't remember the name of the cable ... probably four or five ALPHA characters in upper case. I've searched all my study drawers, but without any luck.
When I could remember the name, I asked Barbara to order me a new cable, but when she told me it would cost about £40, I told her to HOLD. She is still able to remember the model number of the printer, but not the identity of the required cable.
The pictorial instructions for setting up the printer make no mention of such a cable.
Pretty please, can anybody offer any advice?
PS. Trading Standards?
PPS. I have only tried printing what is on my lap-top's screen .... not
copying and printing a document. I have several buttons, but no instructions for either copying a page, nor how to print from the lap-top.