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ELECTRIC VEHICLE. Please help in words of one syllable ....

Started by w3526602, Feb 04, 2024, 11:05 AM

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I'm happy with my new battery powered Hyundai Kona ... but how long will that last?

How do I go about charging it? Yes, I have read the owners manual, but I've learned from experience that I don't always understand what I've read. When going for my Medical Retirement from the Civil Service, almost 40 years ago, I asked the Head Honcho in South Wales Psychiatric Services if I was dyslexic. He didn't get round to answering that specific question.

I plugged the charging cable in last night, for the first time. This morning, the screen tells me I have enough juice for 49 miles. No, I didn't notice what it read last night.

Today's specific question ... Is there likely to be a simple ON/OFF switch on the charger?

There is something about OFF PEAK charging (Which I have not got). Is OFF PEAK still available? I thought ECONOMY 7 died a long time ago.

There is a transparent "flap" on the side of my charger, but has a small screw keeping it shut.  I can see a blue switch.



John ask the builder if he connected the power or fitted a switch.

It should charge if there is power to the socket.

1965 109" 200TDi with a 5 speed gearbox and 3.54 diffs.


Hi 602,
Are you using a mains 3 pin plug charger or a hard wired 7kw charging 'pod' that is connected to the consumer unit of the house?
The charge time for an E Golf on a 3 pin plug is 36 hours!
Usually there will be a coloured LED next to the charger socket connection on the car to indicate the charging status. Plug it in and check that the indicator is flashing green or whatever it should be.
1964 Series 2a 88"

Simon K.

Is the breaker actually switched on at the consumer unit ?


Hi All,
Thanks for replies.

The car's Main Dealer sent an electrician round to fix the charger on the house wall. Its a big black box, but not as big as the gas and electric meter boxes. It is obviously meant for charging cars (and presumably similar stuff). Barbara says she thinks the box cost about £120, but can't remember the cost of installing. I think she told me that installation cost circa £700 ... it had to be brought into the house and connected to the meter, which is up near the ceiling in the second bedroom (bungalow). It wasn't a quick job.

The charging cable has a big white plug on each end. The car end has 5 big female connectors plus two smaller female connectors. I have not unplugged the other plug in the black box, but I assume it is similar.

There are no switches (that I can see, apart from a small switch under a transparent lid on the side of the box) Not really obvious, nor easy too access on a dark night. No instructions, and if there IS a switch, it's not user friendly. I assumed it is meant to be intuitive.

According to the gauge on the car's dash, there is enough juice to get me into the main dealer in Milton Keynes, and home again.

Would I be considered cheeky if I called out LV Home Start? It's been a couple of years since I called Home Start to take our last Hyundai to the main dealers, to introduce the car to it's ignition key (which could only be done by a main dealer, on their premises.

I am not fitted to be in the modern world.



Pictures of what you have and what you are seeing would help tremendously.



I do not think LV will cover you for this. They will probably send someone out, but charge you for it ?
As 555 said the LED next to the charge flap will glow Green when charging and there should be a warning on the dash. Usually a picture of a plug.
Also if correctly plugged in and charging it will not be easy to unplug from car. Dependant on model you will need to do something to enable removal such as pressing 'unlock' on the fob ?

Good luck


Hi Alan,

Unfortunately I have been unable to send emails to anyone, and photos to the  forum since converting to W10. I might have a previous laptop that might still work.

Hi Threshed,

I will look for the signs that you suggest. So far I have noticed no signs of anything. I can't even tell if new box is connected ... maybe the installer deliberately left something "not switched on"? It was arranged by the Hyundai dealer. I should have enough juice to get to the dealer, and back.

There are public chargers in the village. I will try to remember to stop and look, on way to the dealers. Credit Card? Coins? Notes?


Craig T

Why are you going to drive to the dealer, they won't be able to help there when the problem is at home. Surely a phone call to them would be easier?


Quote from: Craig T on Feb 05, 2024, 09:07 AMWhy are you going to drive to the dealer, they won't be able to help there when the problem is at home. Surely a phone call to them would be easier?

Exactly. I'd suggest you  connect it all up for 24 hours and check if the driving range has changed. If it hasn't call the main dealer and get them to send someone to you.



Main dealer? Isn't there something in the rules that allows me to cancel the deal with a certain period. That should concentrate their minds. Or is that only for "financed" deals?

Doh! There was "2 years INTEREST FREE" on offer".

Double Doh. Barbara took it on herself to pay full amount up front ... told me afterwards.

Whatever it was, my problem seems to have been sorted, following three failed attempts, one after the other ... and then it worked. There is a little green picture, of a "cable, and plug" on the dash-board. I have no recollection of doing anything different. About 25 miles has been added to "miles available", in the last hour.

Fingers crossed! And thanks for your interest.



It will be great fun watching all the street lights in your road dim & flicker as you charge your car.



It will be great fun watching all the street lights in your road dim & flicker as you charge your car.

Hi Alan,

"Not me, Gov! My neighbour, next door but one, has a Tesla. Blame him!"

As yet, I have no idea what my electricity bill is going to be, but I'll let you know when I find out. I doubt that it will be worse than the £100 per month that I was pumping into my Land Rovers.

The batteries on the Kona should be fully charged by the time I go and look, after breakfast, with the "expected distance available" writ large on the dash. Out of interest, does the Kona analyse my driving style, and adjust it's forecasts to match?

I doubt that my consumption will make "Economy 7" (or whatever) worth while, but I'll keep it in mind.


PS, Over the years, I've had two Series batteries explode, when the starter button was pressed. I presume they had been "gassing" (but why?) and pressing the button generated a spark.


You may want to introduce yourself to the Tesla owning neighbour. He/She may be able to give you the lowdown on charge points and how to access them.
Most require an App.  :confused

The Beast 233

Does that mean that people like me, who do not own a Smart Phone, should not buy an Electric Vehicle ?