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Started by JohnR2, Mar 19, 2024, 12:17 PM

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Is a Landrover male or female? I can't decide between Joe or Joanne based on it's original NZ numberplate 'JO.....' I suppose I could be all modern and leave it gender fluid at Jo?


I name mine after the reg or location they came from.

bought one from macclesfield, so its name is macclesfield.

one has the reg JYD, so its name is jyd (said like lid) etc

so boy, girl, object, place, item... :RHD

so very modern, genderfluid and transcending all social norms :cheers-man


It is entirely dependent on my mood and what grief it has given me at that particular moment.

As a result, most of mine seem to end up being called a derivation of "effing ba&$#rd thing"...
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon


My S3 daily is called Gilbert. Rego being GIL081. 80 inch is called RossCo. Ross Gilbert and his family (Co) owned it.
Pajero is called Jethro, as the Cornish comedian, Jethro died the same month I got it, as I Don't come from a Land Down Under but from the world of Pasty's and Piskies.
Funny, I have always named my cars.



Lots of girls go by Jo, my grandmother included so it's not even a recent phenomenon.


It takes a while for my vehicles to get names. Usually they just come and something sticks. I had a sand colored 109 we called the Armadillo, an 88 with so many questions about PO's work it was called Ignotus. My "last" LR 109 got the name Serenity after the spaceship in the Firefly tv series. Plus it is calming to drive in the desert!


At least two of my Range Rovers had names. Ones was called Tetley (2000 perforations) and the other was called Mr Major. It was grey, dull and boring - much like the then incumbent Prime Minister.
1965 2A 88" Station Wagon


I like to flatter my Land Rovers with pretty names, so allow me to introduce "Pondweed"  :shakinghead .  A 2lt diesel, currently undergoing a major rebuild.

Craig T

When I first noticed my IIA sitting out the back of what was then Dunsfold Land Rovers, I went inside and asked Philip what the deal was with it. I said, it's a limestone, 109" station wagon sitting out back and straight away he said, oh, you mean Sylvia, I'll get the keys...

The one and only previous owner to me had apparently always called her Sylvia and Dunsfold knew her as that as well. Phil still knows the vehicle and still uses the name.
Must admit, I don't so much. I call it the white one, the IIA, the big one, or something along those lines. Maybe I should start using the name again and carry on the tradition that has been running since it was registered in October 67.



I call mine 'the Land Rover'.
It suits it quite well.
Its number plate doesn't hint at a name.
Years ago I had a car with registration plate SOF916Y.
That was easy. She was known as Sophie.


Mine is known as Jasmine (JAS) reg, but is now being referred to by wife as "The Mistress" given how much, love, attention, time, monies etc I'm prepared to spent with it!


Funny that , mine has RCY on the reg and my wife suggested Rocky but I said it hasn't got a K so suggested Racy which still didn't seem right , so it remained nameless until my Father in Law said I was spending more time with her than I did with my wife and christened her ( it ? ) Betsy. So that's her name


The numberplate route.....

TTA > Titania.

Like her namesake requires frequent grovelling (underneath and all over) and some serious expense to keep her happy!