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Series chassis maker for sale ?

Started by Davidss, Sep 03, 2023, 11:52 AM

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I have no association with the seller, but the existing location is in the Facebook advertisement..
I did wonder if this should go in the Trading Post section, but thought that might be reserved for Club Members (I am such, but I'm guessing the seller probably isn't).
Taken from another forum.

Interesting ad on F B Marketplace .......   Somebody is selling his business.
(Was) Davey Chassis / Mad about Mud.
Anybody ever heard of them ?

Facebook link.

Personally, having seen all the stick suppliers get on here, there is no encouragement to join their ranks.
OTOH, if 'you' despair about getting the exact specification you want in a new chassis, this may be your opportunity to get about 90% there.



I saw that too, I've heard of davey chassis, meant to be very good.

good price if you had the space, even if you wanted to make your old chassis 100% again.


That's not a lot for what it is.


PArt of me thinks that if it was that good, it wouldn't be for sale
Cynical perhaps, as there may well be loads of other factors, but simplistically.........


A lot of competition in that space, going up against Richards, Marsland, Designa, shielders etc. plus at the cheap end there is a polish company advertising in the magazines to deliver chassis to the uk. Can only be so many customers for everyone to fight over.


Agreed, it's not a market you'd want to be in unless you were very clear about your customer. Have you seen steel prices? And delivery costs? Let be for mahoosssive lumps of steel.

Be fair, our LR owner stereotype exists. He will demand retentive product for pennies - and get it. Only to claim the right to assassinate your efforts on forums like this.
Nope, I was intimating it's cheap for what it is, this if you're a fair fabricator; you'd reckon to knock your own up.

There's not an infinite demand, don't fancy the fight for customers. Rest your livelihood, your house up to the bank, all for him?
The mindless will think it's about welding etc. Getting the welder out is the part requiring the 'least' skill.

It's not difficult to see why few make bulkheads. I take my hat off to those doing chassis. They have my infinite respect.


Over the years chassis and bulkhead fabricators have come and gone.
Many fabricators have fallen by the way-side leaving customers very much out of pocket.

Some seem to think they can build a better mousetrap.

It's a shame if a business goes under, but it's market forces ???